
360° visibility raises the bar

Run your entire reporting workflow more efficiently, from data gathering, to drill down and analysis, to annotation and presentation.

An illustration of Vareto Reporting.
A photo of professionals working together.

Drive decisions with accurate data

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Stop wasting time pulling in data from siloed systems into static Excel spreadsheets. Vareto connects directly to your ERP, HRIS, CRM, and other business systems so you can accurately track the metrics that matter. With a holistic view of business performance, you can stay ahead of the competition and drive growth with confidence.

Increase efficiency and accuracy by setting reporting on autopilot

Vareto connects directly to your HRIS, CRM, ERP, and other business systems to pipe data into one always up-to-date source of truth. Automate executive and departmental reports so your team can reduce human errors, spend less time on compiling data, and focus more on driving strategic impact.

Empower alignment and faster informed decisions

Build cross-functional trust and reduce back-and-forth by giving your business stakeholders self-serve access to the latest spend and variance details, with the benefit of granular access permissions to control who sees what. With the ability to drill down to the transaction level in a few clicks, Vareto enables live discussion on the spot.

Create custom, dynamic reports in minutes

Create custom metrics to track the performance indicators crucial to your organization. With Vareto’s intuitive interface, creating, duplicating, and modifying reports takes minutes — no outside consultants, SQL, or coding needed. Filter by any dimension to customize and scale out your reports.

Keep things moving, seamlessly

Vareto integrates with your business-critical systems to keep reports, forecasts, and plans up to date.