Collaborative financial planning and analysis software.

Break down silos, integrate data and teams to accelerate business performance.

Get presentation-ready reports, plan for every scenario & forecast with confidence.

Elevate your FP&A strategy.

The FP&A software, designed to include everyone

Not just a source of truth, but also a place of work

Chief Financial Officers and VPs of Finance

Make better operational decisions, and empower company leaders to drive business growth.

Directors and Heads of Finance

Help your team become a catalyst for business growth. Amplify output, clear data hurdles, and enhance collaboration.

Finance Managers and Analysts

Focus on driving impact and not on collecting data. Reduce manual and repetitive tasks by 80%.

Controllers and Accounting Teams

Transition from disorganized and error-prone data to automated, reliable, and accurate information you can depend on.

Track key metrics instantly. Transform data into boardroom-ready insights.

Advance reporting capabilities, intuitive interface and powerful analytics transforms real-time data into strategic action, ensuring your reporting is not just timely but impactful.

Plan at any level of detail as a team

Engage stakeholders in the planning process to align on financial outcomes and to collaboratively identify cost centres and profit drivers.

Build trust and alignment across the business

Collaborate with business stakeholders directly in Vareto, from gathering inputs to flagging deviations. With the ability to add annotations to tables and charts and comments with @mentions, teams can seamlessly work together.

Drill down to any transaction level in clicks

Uncover the "why". Gain instant, detailed financial insights with transaction-level drill-down, boosting transparency and accurate financial analysis.

Use cases at a glance

From planning to reporting to forecasting

Budget Variance Analysis

Automatically generate latest BvA Analysis. Identify where forecast has to be adjusted.

Executive and Board Reporting

Give leadership a holistic overview of real-time business performance.

Operational Planning

Get a better sense of future costs with collaborative planning.

Expense Management

Better control costs with a 360°, up-to-date view of how actuals are tracking against plan.

Rolling Forecasts

Collaboratively update forecasts. Fetch last month's actuals with direct integrations.

Headcount Planning

Plan confidently for the workforce of today and tomorrow.

Plan, budget & report better

  • Help your business leaders avoid expensive mistakes
  • Prevent budget discrepancies with real-time insights
  • Transition from gatekeepers to strategic partners
  • Increase predictability, by improving forecasting accuracy

Don’t wait. Overcome frustration & missed opportunities

See how customers succeed with Vareto

Enabling teams to act with confidence, speed and clarity

Cut down reporting time by 70%

  • Time saved is now devoted to customer growth analysis.
  • Rewired executive team to see leading indicators and red flags.
  • Eliminated the inherent risks of building models in Excel.

50% time savings on manual tasks.

  • Moved away from sheets to entirely operating on Vareto.
  • Lean team has more time to find areas of cost savings.
  • Access to closing entries from departments in real-time.

Empowered budget owners with insights

  • Saved 2 weeks/month on revenue & expense planning.
  • Effective collaborative planning across departments/programs.
  • Unlimited licenses enable all users to access financial data. themselves.