Best Practices

Guide to Venture Debt: Process, Evaluation, and Negotiation Strategies

Venture debt is an attractive financing option for startups looking to supplement their growth without diluting ownership. While the benefits are clear, the process can be complex and fraught with potential pitfalls that can pose a challenge for finance leaders. By taking a strategic approach to the evaluation and negotiation process, founders can establish strong financial partnerships that serve the long-term interests of their businesses.

If you want to dive deeper into the world of venture debt, check out the webinar recording "Venture Debt Post-SVB: Where do we go from here?" for some valuable insights and analysis.

Understand the process

The entire process of securing venture debt can take a few months, with initial talks, document preparation, term sheet negotiations, and due diligence all factoring into the timeline. Securing venture debt is a complex, multi-stage process that requires preparation and patience. It’s best to secure venture debt when you don’t need it immediately. Here’s an example timeline:

Week 1: Initial talks

Kick off the venture debt process by initiating conversations with potential banking and non-banking partners. During these initial talks, provide a brief overview of your business, growth plans, and funding needs. This stage is also an excellent opportunity to gauge the responsiveness and compatibility of each institution.

Week 2: Preparing documents

Spend the second week compiling a standard set of due diligence documents to share with each potential partner. These documents should cover your business plan, financial projections, market analysis, and other relevant information. By preparing a comprehensive and consistent set of materials, you'll enable a fair comparison of terms across institutions.

Weeks 3-4: Partner decision-making

Allow potential partners 1-2 weeks to review your documents and make their preliminary decisions. During this period, be prepared to answer any follow-up questions or provide additional information as needed. Keep the lines of communication open to ensure a smooth and efficient process.

Weeks 5-6: Initial term sheets

Once potential partners have had the opportunity to evaluate your business, they'll present you with initial term sheets outlining their proposed loan terms. Carefully review these term sheets, comparing factors such as interest rates, payback periods, covenants, and associated costs.

Weeks 7-10: Narrowing down and negotiating

Based on your assessment of the initial term sheets, narrow your options down to 2-3 partners with whom you'd like to negotiate further. Over the next few weeks, engage in discussions to secure the most favorable terms for your venture debt. This stage may involve multiple rounds of negotiation and may require flexibility on both sides.

Weeks 11-14: Finalizing the term sheet

After several weeks of negotiation, you'll reach a consensus with your preferred partner and finalize the term sheet. This document will outline the agreed-upon terms of your venture debt, serving as a blueprint for your financing arrangement.

Weeks 15-22: Due diligence

The final stage of the venture debt process before close involves due diligence on the part of your chosen partner. Over the course of a few weeks, the institution will conduct a thorough review of your business, assessing factors like financial health, market position, and growth potential. This stage may involve additional document requests, interviews, or site visits.

Effectively evaluate potential partners

Selecting the right partner to secure venture debt is a critical decision that can significantly impact your startup's growth trajectory.  Below are key considerations and strategies for assessing venture debt partners.

Start with a diverse slate of potential partners

Begin your search by identifying a variety of potential partners, including 3-4 banking institutions (such as SVB and JP Morgan Chase) and 3-4 non-banking institutions (such as TriplePoint and Hercules). This diverse mix of partners will provide a range of options and enable you to compare various terms and conditions.

Prepare standard due diligence documents

Before engaging with potential partners, prepare a standard set of due diligence documents to share with each institution. These materials should encompass your business plan, financial projections, and market analysis, among other relevant information. By providing a consistent set of documents, you can ensure a fair comparison of terms across institutions. 

Understand how they’ll act in the good times and the bad times

Evaluate potential partners' responsiveness and adaptability in different situations. Consider how they might act if your business encounters challenges or if you need to renegotiate your venture debt terms. Seek partners who demonstrate flexibility and support during both prosperous and challenging times.

Reputation research

Before committing to a partner, do your homework on their reputation. This involves talking to other entrepreneurs who have worked with them and searching for online reviews, articles, or forum discussions about their services. You want to find out if they have a history of being supportive and understanding or if they're known for being tough and uncompromising when the going gets rough.

The good times

In the best-case scenario, your business will thrive, and everything will go according to plan. When your business outperforms expectations, are they open to renegotiating your venture debt terms, potentially providing additional financing to fuel your growth even further?

The not-so-great times

Not everything always goes smoothly in the world of startups. You want to find someone who shows empathy and understanding of your challenges and is willing to work with you to find a solution.

A partner that offers flexibility can make a big difference during tough times. Look for a partner with a track record of being open to revising terms, repayment schedules, or covenants when a business is struggling. This flexibility demonstrates that they are committed to your success, even when the going gets rough.

Compare term sheets

Analyze the term sheets from each potential partner, focusing on factors like warrants, availability periods, interest rates, and total costs. Assess how these terms compare between banking and non-banking institutions, and choose the partner offering the best terms for your business.

Breaking down term sheets

To effectively compare term sheets, you need to look at several essential factors that can significantly impact your business's financial obligations and relationship with your venture debt partner. 

These factors include:

  • Warrants: Warrants give the venture debt provider the right to purchase equity in your company at a predetermined price. Evaluate the percentage of equity the partner is asking for, the price at which they can exercise the warrants, and the expiration date of the warrants.
  • Availability period: This refers to the time frame within which you can draw down the venture debt. A longer availability period offers more flexibility, allowing you to access the funds when needed most. Consider whether the proposed availability period aligns with your company's projected cash flow needs.
  • Interest rates: The interest rate is the cost of borrowing the venture debt. Lower interest rates mean lower financing costs for your business. Compare the interest rates each partner offers, keeping in mind that rates may be fixed or variable and can be influenced by factors such as your company's creditworthiness or market conditions.
  • Total costs: Don't forget to factor in additional costs such as arrangement fees, commitment fees, or prepayment penalties. These fees can add up, so it's essential to account for them when comparing term sheets.

Assess how they understand and support your business model

Ensure potential partners comprehend your business model and revenue generation strategies. Assess potential partners' creativity and support during the loan structuring process. Favor institutions that take the time to understand your business and offer customized terms rather than forcing you into a one-size-fits-all template. 

A partner who understands your business model will propose covenants and guardrails that are appropriate for your company's stage and financial situation. For example, early-stage companies might have less restrictive covenants related to annual recurring revenue (ARR) or revenue growth, while more mature companies may have covenants tied to cash flow or EBITDA. Assess whether the proposed covenants align with your company's growth projections and financial health.

Open communication and collaboration are crucial for a successful partnership. A venture debt partner who understands and supports your business model should be approachable and responsive to your questions and concerns. They should proactively provide information, updates, and advice throughout the loan structuring process, ensuring you feel informed and confident in your decisions.

Negotiate the most favorable terms

After researching and assessing potential partners, it's time to focus on negotiating with your top 2-3 choices to secure the most favorable terms for your venture debt. This phase is critical, as the outcome can significantly impact your company's financial future. Here's what you need to know to navigate the negotiation process effectively:

Be prepared

Before entering negotiations, make sure you have a clear understanding of your company's financial position, growth projections, and key priorities. Be ready to discuss these factors with potential partners to demonstrate your commitment to your business's success. Familiarize yourself with the standard terms and conditions in the venture debt industry so you can identify areas where you have the leverage to negotiate better terms.

Prioritize key terms

While it's natural to want the best possible terms across the board, it's essential to prioritize the aspects of the deal that are most important to your company. This might include interest rates, repayment schedules, covenants, or warrant coverage. Focusing on the most important terms lets you direct your negotiation efforts more effectively and avoid getting bogged down in less important details.

Be open to compromise

Negotiations are a two-way street, and being open to compromise is crucial for reaching a mutually beneficial agreement. While you should advocate for your company's best interests, be prepared to make concessions in some areas to secure better terms in others. Remember that the goal is to establish a long-term partnership with your venture debt provider, so fostering goodwill and trust during negotiations is essential.

Venture debt to unlock your potential

Snyk's founder Guy Podjarny shared, "Venture debt makes great things better, and it makes bad things worse." This powerful advice underscores the importance of approaching venture debt with caution and a clear understanding of your business's financial health. 

When used strategically, venture debt can amplify your company's success and propel it to new heights. However, if mismanaged, it can exacerbate existing challenges and create additional hurdles. By carefully evaluating potential partners, securing the best terms, and utilizing venture debt responsibly, you can harness its potential to support your business's growth and success while mitigating potential risks.

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