
Burning the Candle at Both Ends: A CFO’s Framework for Self-Management & Peak Performance

In the demanding world of finance, leaders are at the forefront of setting KPIs and driving organizational success. The focus often lies in the external management of teams, functions, and the company's overarching goals. However, the cornerstone of sustained success and leadership effectiveness is equally rooted in an area often overlooked: self-management.

This webinar is designed specifically for finance leaders who aim to redefine the boundaries of success and personal well-being. Recognizing the thin line between peak performance and potential burnout, we delve into the art and science of managing oneself with the same rigor and dedication applied to managing others.

Join Emil Vasilev, VP of Finance at Cherry & Lalit Singh, Co-Founder & President at Vareto, as they introduce a transformative framework and set of evidence-based tools that have empowered top athletes, military personnel, and C-suite executives across the globe.

Get Ready to Learn:

  • A practical framework for building personal resilience and managing stress effectively.
  • Evidence-based techniques for improving energy levels and concentration, including breathwork and guided relaxation.
  • Insights into how self-management practices influence leadership effectiveness and organizational success.
  • Ready-to-implement skills for maintaining peak performance without succumbing to burnout.

This session promises not just a momentary escape but a journey towards rejuvenation. Walk away with actionable skills and a refreshed perspective on self-management, ready to tackle challenges with renewed vigor and achieve new heights in your professional and personal life.

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